Remember Remember…
… the 5th of November! I absolutely love fireworks night, and what better way to celebrate than to spend a cosy evening in the garden watching them or even hosting you own!
Bonfires are the tradition and we can recreate these ourselves using firepits and chimineas! Buying tips: Cast iron or clay - these materials hold the heat of the fire really well ensuring that the heat radiates out from the structure. This means you don’t need to keep the fire roaring to keep warm! If you buy clay be sure to spend to time curing your chiminea according to the manufacturer to eliminate the risk of cracks. Buy a cover to go with it, the ensures that your purchase is safe from the weather and will help it keep for longer! When buying logs you can source long burning smokeless logs from most supermarkets. Look at buying one with a grill, this means you can cook some food while enjoying the garden! This Bamboo Fire Lantern is a great alternative to a fire pit. Portable for home or trips away. It uses a gas cartridge to burn. Get it here at La Redoute. Fire pit/chiminea from Made Lighting is important, but you don’t want them so bright that you cannot see enough enjoy the show!
String bulbs that can be hung are perfect as they provide an area of light whilst also looking stylish. Example of some from B&Q here . These lights look great attached to a pergola or fence! Once you have lighting and a heat source sorted you can cosy up outside. Grab a chair whether that's a camp or garden chair. Place some cosy cushions around and a blanket ! If you like these ideas then you'll love our post on how to decorate for Halloween